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Java Optional 為何不推薦做為類別屬性

大家有在寫 Java 1.8+ 的時候使用新出的 Optional 類別來處理 null 的問題嗎?

那在使用的時候有沒有碰到 IntelliJ 提示 Optional 不推薦用來當作類別的 field 的黃色警告 (warning) 呢?訊息應該大致如下

 * A container object which may or may not contain a non-{@code null} value.
 * If a value is present, {@code isPresent()} returns {@code true}. If no
 * value is present, the object is considered <i>empty</i> and
 * {@code isPresent()} returns {@code false}.
 * <p>Additional methods that depend on the presence or absence of a contained
 * value are provided, such as {@link #orElse(Object) orElse()}
 * (returns a default value if no value is present) and
 * {@link #ifPresent(Consumer) ifPresent()} (performs an
 * action if a value is present).
 * <p>This is a <a href="../lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html">value-based</a>
 * class; use of identity-sensitive operations (including reference equality
 * ({@code ==}), identity hash code, or synchronization) on instances of
 * {@code Optional} may have unpredictable results and should be avoided.
 * @apiNote
 * {@code Optional} is primarily intended for use as a method return type where
 * there is a clear need to represent "no result," and where using {@code null}
 * is likely to cause errors. A variable whose type is {@code Optional} should
 * never itself be {@code null}; it should always point to an {@code Optional}
 * instance.
 * @param <T> the type of value
 * @since 1.8

我剛碰到的時候感覺很奇怪,用 Optional 來當 field 表示我們想表達這個 field 有可能是 null 有什麼不對嗎?為什麼 IntelliJ 要警告我呢?

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